Monday, August 27, 2007

The Last 8 Months

It has taken some time to realize that the last 8 months have truly been a test of my strength as a woman and a mother. It has been one trial and tribulation after another and another. And I have successfully wethered the storm thus far. Having been fully focused on my family and my children. I wasn't always able to do things, because of scheduling, sitters so on an so forth. But I have always been the kind of person who tends to retreat when things get bad. I have a few very wonderful and dear dear close friends, whom I love with all my heart, but I have never really been the kind of person who dumps my crapola pile onto others. So there were times when I couldnt call, or come over, or have lunch or drinks......Life just got in the way.
I am having some issues with my health right now....and I spend my days engulfed in the smiles and laughter of my children. Even my nicky has come around. I will continue to press onward in my journey down this road of life. I will not feel guilty for how I have handled the last 8 months of my life, Most of my friends and family have been very understanding.
I have been praying daily for strength from GOD, for guidance. I want to live each day, and savor every moment that I have. I know that I am not perfect, not in any way at all. I know that I am full of flaws, I will not judge others, because I do not want to be judged.
I strive everyday to make a better life for my family and kids. I work on bettering myself, and I do not take my life for granted in anyway. I am grateful for everything that GOD has blessed me with...

well thats enough for now.............

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