I had another blog post that I haven't finished yet, but felt compelled to write this one. Yesterday a woman jumped from a bridge over I-25 and was hit by a bus and died. Now not to be a downer, but it really got me thinking. Where did her hope go? what is happening in the world today? and more importantly how do I protect my children from ever feeling like ending their life is the only way to end the pain.
My heart just ached over this, because when I had no hope, my hope was renewed by Jesus. Giving my life over to Christ gave me knew hope, and as I began to grow in my faith, I realized that all things were possible thru him.
I know that there may be some of you that are thinking, "well religion may have been the answer for you, but its just not for me." well I am here to tell you that religion is the only answer. and yes that is just my opinion, but in the three years I have been a christian, my life has been a testimony to the power of prayer.
I am also not here to judge anyone, nor would I ever, I am just merely telling my story, because my story, could be your story, or anyones story for that matter.
But lets drift back over to the whole point of this particular blog. HOPE.
I wonder if this woman had no where to turn and no one to talk to, how did she get to the point she ended her life with?
Depression is a mighty powerful thing, powerful enough to cloud your judgment, make you do and say things you never thought you would ever find yourself saying. You see I have walked the path of depression, right out there to the very edge, I leaned over and peered into the abyss below.
I was lucky enough to have been strong enough to pull myself back from the edge. Some are not that lucky.
There are so many things going on in the world today, a bad economy, no money, bills upon bills, loss of jobs... not alot to be hopeful for. You see I believe that there is hope, hope for a better life, future, the love of all my kids.
I guess the whole point of this post is just to let ya know, that there is always hope, no matter how bad things get.
Think about it friends, what is it that gives you hope? Gets you up in the morning, helps you thru the day.
Many thoughts and blessings for all of you, hug your kids a little tighter, tell someone you love them today..
Life is just too short....too short
Until we talk again